McKenzies of Early Maryland
Notes |
- MEDI On-line DatabaseABBR U.S., Confederate Pensions, 1884-1958TEXT Texas State Library and Archives Commission; Austin, Texas; iConfederate Pension Applications, 1899-1975/i; Collection #: iCPA20307/i; Roll #: i320/i; Roll Description: iPension File Nos 20307 to 20345, Application Years 1906 to 1912/i.
bSource Information:/b
http://c.mfcreative.com/Affiliate/CEG/2010_std_tslac_logo_sm.jpgAncestry.com. iU.S., Confederate Pensions, 1884-1958/i [database on-line]. Provo, UT: 2010.
Original data: iTexas, Confederate Pension Applications, 1899-1975/i. iVol. 1 646 & 1 283./i Austin, Texas: Texas State Library and Archives Commission.
iConfederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows/i. Richmond, Virginia: Library of Virginia
- Pension records for the soldiers or their widows who served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War are contained in this index. Information that may be found includes names, counties of residence, approved pension numbers, rejected pension numbers, e