Thumb | Description | Status | Location | Name (Died/Buried) |
St. Patrick's Cemetery, Cumberland, Maryland |
Caroline Amanda McKenzie (d. 17 Feb 1916)
Death Certificate of Alma Cecelia McKenzie (b. 1927) |
Alma C. McKenzie (d. 7 May 1927)
Gravestone (closeup) of Simon J. McKenzie (b. 1850) Oak Lawn Cemetery, Sturgis, St. Joseph County, Michigan |
Simon McKenzie (d. UNKNOWN)
Gravestone (military) Carroll A McKenzie Finzel Cemetery, Finzel, Garrett County, Maryland |
Carroll Anthony McKenzie (d. 10 Oct 1987)
Gravestone (military) of James C. McKenzie (b. 1925) Emmanuel Cemetery, Garrett County, Maryland |
James Cobey McKenzie (d. 6 Nov 1993)
Gravestone (military) of Joseph Alfred McKenzie (b. 1931) Finzel Cemetery
Garrett County
Maryland, USA |
Joseph Alfred McKenzie (d. 27 Apr 2000)
Gravestone No 1. John W. McKenzie (b. 1865) |
John W. McKenzie (d. 1934)
Gravestone No. 2 John W. McKenzie (b. 1865) |
John W. McKenzie (d. 1934)
Gravestone of Aaron Franklin Porter (b. 1846) Burial:
Woodlawn Abbey Mausoleum
Pierce County
Washington, USA
Created by: James Charles Rogers II...
Record added: Aug 06, 2006
Find A Grave Memorial# 15173301
Aaron Franklin Porter (d. 16 Dec 1917)
Gravestone of Aaron McKinzie (b. 1835) Moon Cemetery, Macksburg, Madison Co., Iowa |
Aaron McKinzie (d. 23 Jun 1905)
Gravestone of Aaron S. McKenzie (b. 1838) |
Aaron S. McKenzie (d. 9 Mar 1917)
Gravestone of Aaron W. McKenzie (b. 1830) Aaron McKenzie (b. 1830) was the son of Aaron McKenzie (b. 1792) and Hannah Johnson (b. 1793). The gravestone is located in the Cresaptown, Maryland United Methodist Cemetery. The inscription of the stone states "Co H 36 Ohio Regt Civil War".
Courtesy of Steven E. Flowers |
Aaron William Jr. McKenzie (d. 8 Feb 1901)
Gravestone of Absolam McKinzie (b. 1827) Rock Creek Cemetery, Douglas County, kansas |
Absalom McKinzie (d. 14 Jun 1891)
Gravestone of Ada Marie McKenzie, Bernard Leroy Cole and Infant Son |
Bernard Leroy Cole (d. UNKNOWN)
Ada Marie McKenzie (d. 2 Oct 1938)
Gravestone of Adah H. McKenzie (b. 1808) Moore Cemetery, Ross County, Ohio |
Adah H. McKenzie (d. 20 Jul 1876)
Gravestone of Adelaide C. Casswell (b. 1861).jpg St. John's Cemetery, Howard County, Maryland
Courtesy of Don Kagle |
Adelaide C. Casswell (d. 14 Dec 1934)
Gravestone of Adelbert Decolia Bingham (b. 1860) |
Adelbert Decolia (Dell) Bingham (d. 8 Jul 1935)
Gravestone of Adelia A. McKenzie (b. 1919) Courtesy of Don Kagle |
Adelia Alberta McKenzie (d. 25 May 1971)
Gravestone of Agnes Ellen Lochart (b. 1897) BIRTH 6 Jun 1897
DEATH 10 Dec 1989 (aged 92)
Sacred Heart Cemetery
Hebron, Thayer County, Nebraska, USA
PLOT Lot NW, Block 11
MEMORIAL ID 115793840 · View Source |
Agnes Ellen Lochart (d. 10 Dec 1989)
Gravestone of Agnes Mae McKenzie (b. 1907) Holy Cross Cemetery
Summit County
Ohio, USA
Plot: Section 22, Lot 1702, Grave B |
Agnes Mae Barbara McKenzie (d. 15 Jun 2001)
Gravestone of Alban S. McKenzie (b. 1877) and Ida Agnes Brown (b. 1880) St. Michael's Cemetery, Allegany County, Maryland
Courtesy of Don Kagle |
Ida Agnes Brown (d. 16 Jun 1948)
Alban Sylvestor McKenzie (d. 13 Jul 1948)
Gravestone of Albert Clifton McKenzie (b. 1877) Good Shepard Cemetery, Ellicott City, Howard County, Maryland
Courtesy of Don Kagle |
Albert Clifton McKenzie (d. 21 Sep 1943)
Gravestone of Albert D. MacKenzie II (b. 1892) Oella Cemetery, Oella, Maryland |
Albert D. II McKenzie (d. 28 Jun 1893)
Gravestone of Albert James McKenzie (b. 1874) Saint Ambrose Catholic Cemetery
Allegany County
Maryland, USA |
Albert James (Ticky) McKenzie (d. 17 May 1928)
Gravestone of Albert L. McKenzie (b. 1915) and Ethel Mary Minnick.jpg Emmanuel Methodist Cemetery (Johnson Cemetery) Garrett County, Maryland |
Ruth Burley
Albert Leslen McKenzie (d. 24 Aug 2000)
Gravestone of Albert Leslan McKenzie (b. 1915) and Ethel Mary Minnick Emmanuel Cemetery
Garrett County
Maryland, USA |
Ruth Burley
Albert Leslen McKenzie (d. 24 Aug 2000)
Gravestone of Albert MacKenzie (b. 1872) Good Shepard Cemetery, Howard County, Maryland
Courtesy of Don Kagle |
Albert MacKenzie (d. 21 Jun 1944)
Gravestone of Albert Moses McKenzie (b. 1877) Saint Ambrose Catholic Cemetery
Allegany County
Maryland, USA |
Albert Moses (Bert) McKenzie (d. 21 Jun 1905)
Gravestone of Albert O. McKenzie (b. 1909) Good Shepherd Cemetery
Ellicott City
Howard County
Maryland, USA |
Albert O. McKenzie (d. 4 Aug 1934)
Gravestone of Albert S. Muhl, Elouise McKenzie and Helen Muhl Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland |
Gladys Elouise McKenzie (d. 15 Mar 1982)
Albert Sherman Muhl (d. 22 Nov 1973)
Helen Mary Muhl (d. 18 Jan 2000)
Gravestone of Albert Wayne McKenzie (b. 1938) Burial:
Emmanuel Cemetery
Garrett County
Maryland, USA |
Albert Wayne Sr. McKenzie (d. 23 Sep 1994)
Gravestone of Alden F. McKenzie (b. 1872) Dawson Cemetery
Allegany County
Maryland, USA |
Alden Francis McKenzie (d. 3 Mar 1904)
Gravestone of Alex J. and Bertha McKenzie |
Bertha O. Ikner (d. 18 Apr 1975)
Alex James McKenzie (d. 26 Dec 2003)
Gravestone of Alger P. Tittsworth (b. 1871) St. John's Cemetery, Howard County, Maryland
Courtesy of Don Kagle |
Alger P. Tittsworth (d. 1 Feb 1943)
Gravestone of Alice Flora McKenzie (b. 1862) and Henry Ankerbrand Brown's Mill Dunkard Cemetery, Franklin County, Pennsylvania |
Alice Flora McKenzie (d. 25 Sep 1947)
Gravestone of Alice G. McKenzie Finzel Cemetery, Finzel, Garrett County, Maryland |
Alice G. McKenzie (d. 25 Jan 2011)
Gravestone of Alice Rebecca Ross (b. 1899) Burial:
Trinity Cemetery
Garrett County
Maryland, USA |
Alice Rebecca Ross (d. 21 Mar 1921)
Gravestone of Allen Alexander McKenzie (b. 1911) and wife, Leah (b. 1917) Mount Olivet Cemetery, Timberville Rockingham Co., Virginia
Courtesy of Don Kagle |
Allen Alexander McKenzie (d. 19 Mar 1998)
Gravestone of Allison Jerome Coover (b. 1831) and Harriet Porter (b. 1840) Kirkwood Cemetery, London Madison County, Ohio |
Allison Jerome Coover (d. 15 Jan 1900)
Harriet Porter (d. 17 May 1895)
Gravestone of Alma C. McKenzie (b. 1927) |
Alma C. McKenzie (d. 7 May 1927)
Gravestone of Alonzo McKenzie (b. 1900) and Catherine Terwilliger (b. 1898) |
Alonzo Henry (Mac) McKenzie (d. 3 Dec 1976)
Gravestone of Alphretta Emma Krisher Bon Accord Cemetery, Bon Accord, Alberta, Canada |
Alphretta Emma Krisher (d. 25 Nov 1967)
Gravestone of Amanda E. Clark White Oak Cemetery, Wittenberg, Somerset County, Pennsylvania |
Amanda Ellen Clark (d. 14 Apr 1941)
Gravestone of Amanda Edith McKenzie (b. 1891)
Amanda Edith McKenzie (d. 14 Feb 1986)
Gravestone of Ambrose G. McKenzie (b. 1829) and Rachel Long (b. 1839) Saint Michael's Cemetery, Frostburg, Allegany Co., Maryland
Courtesy of Don Kagle |
Rachel Long (d. 26 Dec 1908)
Ambrose G. McKenzie (d. Apr 1906)
Gravestone of Ambrose Raymond McKenzie (b. 1910) Burial:
Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery
Allegany County
Maryland, USA
Ambrose Raymond McKenzie (d. 8 Nov 2003)
Gravestone of Andrew Beeman (b. 1870) Garrett County, Maryland
Courtesy of Don Kagle |
Andrew Beeman (d. 1938)
Gravestone of Andrew George McKenzie (b. 1879) and Maude Croft St. Anns Cemetery, Avilton, Garrett County, Maryland
Courtesy of Don Kagle |
Maude Mae Croft (d. 24 Feb 1936)
Andrew George McKenzie (d. 7 Aug 1948)
Gravestone of Angelo Terranova and Susannah McKenzie Cathedral Cemetery, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware |
Susannah Cecilia McKenzie (d. 19 Sep 1953)
Gravestone of Angus McKenzie and Carolina Merbaugh Saint Anns Cemetery, Avilton, Garrett County, Maryland |
Angus A. McKenzie (d. 14 Jun 1950)
Carolina Christine Merrbach (d. 11 Nov 1990)