Lois Lane Jackson

Female 1942 - 1943  (0 years)

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  • Name Lois Lane Jackson 
    Birth 7 May 1942 
    Gender Female 
    Death 29 Mar 1943  Sand Patch, Larimer Township, Somerset County, Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • MEYERSDALE, Apr. 2 — Louise Jackson, 10 months old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jackson of Sand Patch, died Monday night. Her parents, a sister, Marion, and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Miller (sic) Steinley, Mrs. Katherine Martin and Ulysses Jackson. The Daily Courier, Connellsville, April 2, 1943

      Lois Jane Jackson, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jackson, died Monday evening at 9:30 o'clock at the family home in Greenville Township. Lois was born May 7, 1942, and was aged 10 months and two days at the time of her death. The child's mother was the former Velma Steinley. Surviving are the child's parents and one sister, Marian, aged 3. Funeral services were conducted this (Thursday) morning at 10:30 o'clock in the Evangelical and Reformed Church at Pocahontas, the Rev. J. E. Gindlesperger in charge. Burial was in Union Cemetery, Meyersdale, under the direction of W. C. Price & Son, local morticians. Meyersdale Republican, April 1, 1943
    Person ID I49785  McKenzie Genealogy
    Last Modified 29 Oct 2021 

    Father Lawrence E. Jackson,   b. 25 Apr 1915, Meyersdale, Summit Township, Somerset County, Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 19 Dec 2006, Meyersdale, Summit Township, Somerset County, Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 91 years) 
    Relationship natural 
    Mother Velma Steinly,   b. 13 May 1916   d. 11 Sep 1992 (Age 76 years) 
    Relationship natural 
    Family ID F18059  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

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