George R. Ryan


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  • Name George R. Ryan 
    Gender Male 
    Death UNKNOWN 
    • George R. Ryan, 59, near Eckhart, who according to Sheriff Lucian C. Radcliffe shot at his wife Miranda L. Ryan, also of near Eckhart, early this morning while she was on her way to milk a cow, was admitted to Miners Frostburg, at 10 a. m. with his throat cut, from ear to ear. Mrs. Ryan, through her attorney Noel Speir Cook, yesterday docketed suit for divorce, charging Ryan had beaten her while heavily intoxicated. They were married in 1902 and have four married children. The sheriff was told by Mrs Ryan who lives with a son, Russell Ryan, that she arose about 5 a. m. today to milk the cow and had left the house when her husband shot at her with a rifle, but missed. She told officers that she ran back to the home but that Ryan caught her and began beating her with the rifle. The son was awakened by the noise and came to his mother's assistance. He, according to officers, fought with his father, but the latter made his escape. Mrs. Ryan and her son swore out a warrant against Ryan and Sheriff Radcliff sent deputies John R> Patton and Henry McKee to serve the papers. On their arrival at the Ryan home about 11:30 a.m., the officers were informed Ryan had been removed to the hospital with a cut throat. Sheriff Radcliffe and Terrence T. Boyle, county investigator, will make an investigation this afternoon. It was learned that Ryan was found in bed by Eugene Delaney, a neighbor. Ryan lives in a garage in the rear of the home of George Filsinger, Eckhart. He came to the Filslnger home early today and asked for a gun to shoot a weasel. Mrs. Filsinger said she told him to look in the workshop but Ryan reported he could not find the gun. About 8:30 Mrs. Filsinger noticed that Ryan had not milked his cows and asked Delaney to investigate. The latter went to the Ryan abode and called in to Ryan. "Are you going to milk the cow?" Ryan is reported to have said "no." Delaney then asked if Ryan wanted Mrs. Filsinger to do the milking and he said "yes." Delaney entered the garage at this point and found Ryan in bed in a pool of blood. An ambulance was called and Ryan was taken to the hospital. Dr. W. O. McLane, Jr., who attended Ryan, said his throat was cut from ear to ear, and that the wound was deep. The jugular vein, however, was not severed, said the physician, but Ryan remains in critical condition. The Cumberland Evening Times, July 21, 1939

      Mr. Ryan was released from the hospital in August, 1939, and sent to jail. He posted $500 bond and was released to await trial on August 15, 1939. On August 15, he was remanded to jail under $1000 bond to await trial in October. At the Grand Jury trial on October 15, Ryan pleaded Not Guilty, but later changed his plea to Guilty. On October 20, Ryan was given parole for three years.
    Person ID I46665  McKenzie Genealogy
    Last Modified 29 Oct 2021 

    Family Laura Margaret Miranda Porter,   b. Sep 1881, Eckhart, Allegany County, Maryland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 5 Jun 1965, Eckhart, Allegany County, Maryland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 83 years) 
    Marriage 29 Sep 1903 
     1. Robert J. Ryan   d. UNKNOWN  [Father: natural]  [Mother: natural]
     2. Russell W. Ryan   d. UNKNOWN  [Father: natural]  [Mother: natural]
     3. Myrtle Ryan,   b. 5 Jun 1904   d. 19 Dec 2001 (Age 97 years)  [Father: natural]  [Mother: natural]
     4. Viva Mae Ryan,   b. 1910   d. 10 Jan 1968, Frostburg, Allegany County, Maryland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 58 years)  [Father: natural]  [Mother: natural]
    Family ID F16689  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 29 Oct 2021 

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