Bef 1485 - Aft 1542 (> 58 years)
Name |
Nicholas Wilder |
Birth |
Bef 1485 |
Berkshire, England |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
Aft Mar 1542 |
Berkshire, England |
Notes |
- The first Wilder know in history was Nicholas, a military chieftain, in the army of the Earl of Richmond, at the battle of Bosworth, in 1585. The fact that is a German name, and that is common in some parts of Germany at the present time, would indicate that he was one of those who came with the Earl from France, and landed at Milford Haven.
i1542 Will of Nicholas Wilder of Sulham/i, LDS Film 88114, Berkshire, Archdeaconry, Batell Wills, No.227 (hereafter cited as 1542 will, iNich. Wilder/i).
u2/u. iWill of Elizabeth Wilder of Sulham/i, Archdeaconry of Berkshire, Batell file of original wills, Number 217 (LDS Film 88114): "In dio nom' Amen. In ye yere of oure lorde god m cccc xliiij and of ye Reyn of oure soverand lord Henry ye viij be ye grace of god kynge of yngland france and irland defender of ye fayth and in erth supreme & immediately under god of ye churche of yngland and irland xxx v ^ the ix of July ^ I elysabeth bwylder /bof ye parysh of Sullam in ye countie Parkshyer and in ye dyocese of Saylsbery of a good memory and p'fyt mynd make my last wyll and testament in maner and forme here foloynge. "First I bequeth my solle to almyghtie god to oure lady sanct mary and to all the holy company of heaven and my body to be beyd in ye p'ryshe church of Sullam aforesayd. "Itm I bequyth to ye hye alter of Sullam iiij d. "Itm I bequyth to ye mother church of Saylsbery ij d. "Itm I wyll that a trentall of masses be sayd for ye helth of my solle part at ye day of my buryall and ye resydew w't'in ye mounth mynd. "Itm I wyll that every nyght thorout ye mounth mynd a derege be sayd. "Itm I bequyth to my sone Jone bWylder /bthe elder one cowe ij shepe and my best ???????? and for I wyll that my sayd sone Jone ye elder doo cause yerely to be sayd for ye helth of my solle & masses ??? decease. "Itm I bequeyth to my sone Henry bWylder /bone quarter of wheat and one of barly ij shepe and one bull he of twelmounthes old. "Itm I bequeyth to my sone Tomas bWylder /bij shepe. "Itm I bequeyth to my sone Jone bWylder /bye yonger ij shepe and halfe a quarter of wheat. "Itm I bequeyth to my sone Wyll'm bWylder /bij shepe. "Itm I bequeyth to Jone and Tomas bWylder /bthe sones of Jone bWylder /bye elder every one of them ij shepe. "Itm I bequeyth to Nycolas Jone and yd bWylders /bevery one of them one shepe. "Itm I bequeyth to foure of my god chyldren of ye bWylders /bw't'in thys house to every one of them one shepe. "Itm I bequeyth to Elyzabeth bWylder /bto be delyvered to her by ye hande of my sone Jone bWylder /bye elder xx li. xiij s. iiij d. "Itm I bequyth to my servand Agnes bWhayt /bone shepe. "Itm I wyll yt my sones Rycherd and Nycolas bWylder /bbe my holl exseguntor and to have all ye resydew of my goods not bequyth. "Itm I wyll that my sone Jone bWylder /bye elder be the supervysor of thys my last wyll and testament. "Wytnesses of thys pr'sent wyll mayd ye dayt above mencyonyd: S. Wyl'm bPreston /bcurate of ye p'rysh of Sullam aforsayd / Jone bMody /b/ Wyl'm bBlyeth. /b"Also I wyll yt Rychart my sonne and Nycolas my sonne shall have ? ??????? ?????????? after my decesse fro bNonehyde /bof John bWylder /bmy son.", (hereafter cited as 1544 Will (text), iElizabeth Wilder/i).
Person ID |
I24943 |
McKenzie Genealogy |
Last Modified |
1 Jun 2012 |
Family |
Elizabeth or Isabell d. Aft 9 Jul 1544, Sulham, Berkshire, England |
Children |
| 1. Elizabeth Wilder d. UNKNOWN [Father: natural] [Mother: natural] |
| 2. John Wilder, b. Abt 1504, Sulham, Berkshire, England d. Aft 18 Jul 1550 (Age ~ 46 years) [Father: natural] [Mother: natural] |
| 3. Nicholas Wilder, b. Bef 1521, Sulham, Berkshire, England d. UNKNOWN [Father: natural] [Mother: natural] |
| 4. William Wilder, b. Bef Mar 1521, Sulham, Berkshire, England d. UNKNOWN [Father: natural] [Mother: natural] |
| 5. John Wilder, b. Bef 1522, Sulham, Berkshire, England d. Bef 23 Jan 1560, Tidmarsh, , Berkshire, England (Age < 38 years) [Father: natural] [Mother: natural] |
| 6. Richard Wilder, b. Bef 1522, Sulham, Berkshire, England d. Aft 1560, South Stoke, Oxfordshire, England (Age > 40 years) [Father: natural] [Mother: natural] |
| 7. Henry Wilder, b. Bef 1544, Sulham, Berkshire, England d. UNKNOWN [Father: natural] [Mother: natural] |
| 8. Thomas Wilder, b. Bef 1544, Sulham, Berkshire, England d. UNKNOWN [Father: natural] [Mother: natural] |
Family ID |
F11034 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
19 May 2012 |