Aaron Jr. McKenzie

Aaron Jr. McKenzie

Male Abt 1804 - Aft 1860  (~ 57 years)

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  • Name Aaron Jr. McKenzie 
    Birth Abt 1804  Maryland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Death Aft 1860  Maryland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • In an email from Dick MacKenzie dated 9 Sep 2013, he wrote:

      Now, on to the other Aaron d. 1831, who was the youngest son of Daniel2. His offspring never went to Allegany Co. or anywhere else in Western MD as far as I can tell. Jesse b. 1807 is not of this Aaron. Aaron’s children were born about as follows:

      Caleb b. @1791 (Don’s ancestor, who married Elizabeth Pierce and stayed in the Ellicott City area)
      Jesse @ 1792 (who is believed to have also stayed in Ellicott City)
      Mary L. @ 1795 (Married Joseph Pierce, stayed local, and their daughter Rachel Elizabeth married Joseph McKenzie, brother of Israel Jr.)
      David (my ancestor) b. 1798
      Catherine b. 1800 (married John Hancock Hyatt and moved to Zanesville, Muskingum Co., OH in the late 1820’s)
      Rachel b.@ 1803 (married Enoch Pearce and moved to Steubenville, Jefferson Co., OH by 1842. He had a different wife by 1860)
      Aaron b.@ 1810 (lived on the family property in Ellicott City w/older brother David, apparently never married)

      John Hancock died in Zanesville, and Catherine and the children moved to Knox Co., OH by 1840, when son John is shown as head of household. Why Knox Co? Maybe because she had cousins there? I don’t know if this untangles anything – maybe just makes the mess messier!?


      The Aaron’s

      Not to be outdone, Dick MacKenzie has pieced together additional data surrounding other descendants who were involved with the McKenzie Homestead and the barn referenced above.

      “This all started when I reached the chapter, “The Original McKenzie Property”, and tried to get my arms around who the A(aron) was who is cited in Hopkins’ Atlas. It sent me back to land records, census records and tree branches, and led me to the following conclusions:
      There were 4 Aaron’s who lived on the John McKenzie property (b. 1687) at some point in time:

      1)Aaron b. 1769, son of Daniel 1717, who executed his will in March 1828 and had died by May 1831, leaving his land (Daniel’s (b. 1717) originally) to sons David and Aaron.

      2)Aaron b. 1810 (based on the 1840 Census showing him as 40 and living with his brother David’s family), who split the inherited land with his brother David via indentures dated 10 May 1833 (AA Co. L.R. WSG-18, pages 54-58), with Aaron getting 4 ¾ acres of McKenzie’s Hills, 35 ½ acres of Addition to Hopson’s Choice, and 12 ¼ acres of Hopson’s Choice, while David took 3+ acres of McKenzie’s Hills and 44 ½ acres of Hobson’s Choice. Aaron sold McKenzie’s Hills to John W. Dorsey 25 Oct 1833 (AA WSG-18, pg. 228) and the remaining two plots (35 ½ Addition and 12 ¼ Hopson’s Choice) to his brother David 19 Aug 1851 (Howard County Deed Book 11 page 53) with the proviso that Aaron have a home on the premises for life + timber rights. He does not appear again after the 1850 Census, and I believe he died prior to 1860. Died rather than moved away, as every indication is that he did not marry and was always dependent on his brother.

      3)Aaron b. abt. 1780, (probably) the grandson of Michael, son of John, who by indenture dated 12 Mar 1840 sells to David (above) Michael’s 98 acres that Michael inherited from his father John, with the proviso that he have the privilege of building a dwelling house on ½ acre which he would possess and be entitled to crop reimbursement. This Aaron appears in the 1850 Census as 69 year old Aaron McKinsey, living in the household of Thomas and Ann Davis and family, Ann being the sister of David’s wife Sarah. While in the same general vicinity as David’s residence, it probably was not on the McKenzie family property. This Aaron also does not appear again after the 1850 Census, and I believe he also died prior to 1860.

      4)Aaron L. MacKinzie, son of David, who, by indenture dated 9 Oct 1868 (Howard County Deed Book 28 page 448) was conveyed 6 ¼ acres of Addition to Hopson’s Choice by his parents David and Sarah D. for him to use and to own at David’s death.

      The only Aaron believed to be alive anywhere near the 1878 timeframe would have been Aaron L., who is also believed to have been the author of the inscription “Built by Aaron MacKenzie February 1860” on the inside of the MacKenzie barn that now rests in Rockburn Branch County Park near Elkridge.

      I believe that Aaron 1810 was actually born earlier than that year. When I go back and look at census records before 1850 (and it’s always easy to find these two families – Michael’s and Daniel/Aaron/David’s – as they’re always next door to each other), in the 1820 Census Aaron’s males are one 16-18 and three 16-26, which would indicate that son Aaron was at least 16 years old, born by 1804. Since the next oldest child, daughter Rachel, is believed to have been born 1802-3, it would make perfect sense for Aaron to have been born in 1804 rather than 6 years later. The following Census, 1830 is less conclusive, as Aaron Jr. is obviously the 20 to 30 year old shown but doesn’t help pinpoint an exact age. Further, in Aaron’s will of 1828, he does not refer to his son Aaron as a minor, which he could have been had he been born in 1810. Based on this, I’d recommend that we change this Aaron’s DOB in the databases to 1804.

      Reviewing the Census records mentioned above also reveals additional information about Michael’s family. In the 1800 Census, Michl McKinsey household was 1 male under 10, 4 males 16-25, one male 45+, one female under 10, one 16-25, one 45+. Best guess scenario here, Michael had 4 sons, one of whom was married with children, or had 3 sons and a married daughter with children. Was this John’s son Michael or grandson? Michael b. 1727 having sons born 1775-1784? More likely a grandson. In 1810 Census, Michael Mackinsey household consists of one male 16-25, one male 45+, one female 45+. In 1820 Census, next to Aaron McKinzie is Catherine McKinzie, 45+ plus, 3 males 26-45 and one male 45+. Catherine must be the widow of Michael shown in 1810, and there are again 4 males in the household. By the 1830 Census, the occupant is Aaron McKinsey Jr., males 50-60 and 90 to 100. By 1840, only David McKinsey appears in AA Co., no next door neighbor by that name. Does that mean that one of Michael Jr.’s sons was Aaron @1780?
      Who were the others? How was Aaron 1780 entitled to sell Michael’s land? Not a lot of answers here, but maybe ammunition to help with additional research.”
    Person ID I03719  McKenzie Genealogy
    Last Modified 29 Oct 2021 

    Father Aaron McKenzie,   b. Abt 1769, Maryland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 23 May 1831, Maryland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 62 years) 
    Relationship natural 
    Mother Mary Rachel Earp,   b. Abt 1764, Anne Arundel County, Maryland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. UNKNOWN 
    Relationship natural 
    Marriage 11 Mar 1789  Baltimore County, Maryland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F00774  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Documents
    Deed from Aaron McKenzie (b. abt. 1804) to David MacKenzie (b. 1798) Page 1
    Deed from Aaron McKenzie (b. abt. 1804) to David MacKenzie (b. 1798) Page 1
    Howard County Deed Records Book 1-8, pg. 1 001. This deed references a sale involving the 98 acres that Michael McKenzie inherited from John McKenzie (b. 1687) in his will of 1798. Aaron McKenzie is believed to be a brother of David MacKenzie (b. 1798) per the research of Dick MacKenzie. This seems to transcend family branches and is a little confusing.
    Deed from Aaron McKenzie (b. abt. 1804) to David MacKenzie (b. 1798) Page 2
    Deed from Aaron McKenzie (b. abt. 1804) to David MacKenzie (b. 1798) Page 2
    Howard County Deed Records Book 1-9, pg. 2 001
    Indenture Between David McKenzie and Aaron McKenzie (1833) Page 1
    Indenture Between David McKenzie and Aaron McKenzie (1833) Page 1
    Indenture Between David McKenzie and Aaron McKenzie (1833) Page 2
    Indenture Between David McKenzie and Aaron McKenzie (1833) Page 2

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