1870 - 1957 (87 years)
Name |
Samuel Levi McKenzie |
Birth |
30 Jan 1870 |
Cumberland, Allegany County, Maryland |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
23 Feb 1957 |
Cumberland, Allegany County, Maryland |
Notes |
- Samuel Lewis MCKENZIE (John William-1) was born on 30 Jan 1870 in Cumberland, Allegany Co., Maryland. Census lists Jan 1871 in 1900 He died on 23 Feb 1957 at the age of 87 in Cumberland, Allegany Co., Maryland. Death Certificate courtesy of Don Kagle.
Marriage information per the research of Ray Leidinger, Cumberland, Maryland. All information pulled from Western Maryland marriage records.
Also, the following was received from Ray Leidinger:
From Allegany County, MD Marriage Licenses:
“1894, May 21. Samuel L. McKenzie, 24, Narrows Park, Bachelor, Laborer
Mary A. Cool, 18, Narrows Park, maid, 21 May 1894, Cumberland, Samuel Shannon, clergyman
From St. Patrick’s Catholic Church records:
9 April 1901, buried 11 April, Mary McKenzie (Sam McKenzie) of W.Va., 23 years, of consumption. St. Patrick’s Cemetery; single grave. Rev. T. E. Gallagher
I think this may be the first wife of Samuel Levi McKenzie (1871-1957) s/o John William McKenzie (1839 – 1902) and Elizabeth Atkins. Unfortunately there is not a marriage license for Samuel Levi’s March, 1923 marriage to J. Cora Bussard, which would show if he was a widower. No official documents for Samuel Levi show a wife Mary!
Death of Mrs. McKenzie
Mollie, the wife of Samuel L. McKenzie, died at her home in Sulphur Hollow yesterday morning at 6 o’clock after a lingering illness of several months. A sad feature was the burial of their infant son, Paul, on Thursday the 4th inst., which is thought to have hastened her death. Her age was 25 years. The Evening Times, Cumberland, Wednesday, April 10, 1901
At 627 Henderson Avenue there is a man, who has just started living—at the age of 81. At least, Samuel L. McKenzie, the man in question, thought that his life and his world had ended up until a few months ago. Until then, he had been almost totally blind. He and his wife, both of whom had lived active lives, were almost despondent. Once a horticulturist, McKenzie loved flowers, fruits and vegetables. He worked as a gardener for local residents, and sometimes walked miles in the woods searching for bittersweet, to sell as a side-line. Years earlier, he had been a motorman on street cars when they ran in Cumberland. Action, beauty and constructive effort were part of his life. But he was reduced to stumbling helplessness by cataracts on both eyes, and could scarcely even feed himself. He couldn't take care of his own garden—his peonies, roses, and his little vegetable plot. And Mrs. McKenzie was ever at his side to aid him in his misfortune. Their story could be long, but much of it can be summed up by a statement made by Mrs. McKenzie yesterday: "If we can spare anything at all, we certainly will contribute to the Community Chest Campaign." Cooperating with the Health Department and the Allegany County Welfare Board, the Community Chest assisted in getting McKenzie to Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore last spring for operations on both eyes. Someone had to go along to take care of the patient on the trip, since he could only distinguish between light and darkness. Mrs. McKenzie was permitted to go as his guide—and she is proud she took care of all the paper work at the hospital that went with getting her husband situated. But she hurried right back home —there were things to be done. And in the hospital, McKenzie, with his eyes on the mend, became so eager that he told his nurse: "Everything's fine, but I won't get home in time to see my roses and peonies." When he woke up the next morning, the nurse had provided a mammoth bouquet of roses. "You don't know how I felt when I saw them," he said. "Really, for a moment, I thought I was home." The Cumberland Evening Times, October 2, 1951
Funeral of Mrs. McKenzie
Mollie, the wife of Samuel L. McKenzie, whose death was noted yesterday, was buried this morning at 8 o’clock from St. Patrick’s church, where a low mass of requiem was said by the Rev. Father Gallagher. His reverence spoke very highly of the deceased as a devoted member of the church of which she was a convert, having as he said, baptized and instructed her for Holy Communion, blessed her marriage, had been her confessor, and finally had administered to her the last rites of the church, he knew whereof he spoke. She was interred in the cemetery connected with the church. The Evening Times, Cumberland, Thursday, April 11, 1901
Samuel L. McKenzie, 87, of 527 Henderson Avenue , died shortly after being admitted yesterday afternoon to Sacred Heart Hospital. Mr. McKenzie was taken to the hospital after collapsing near his home. A native of Cumberland, he was a son of the late John W. and Elizabeth (Atkins) McKenzie. He was a retired employe of the Potomac Edison Company and a member of St. Patrick's Catholic Church. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Cora K. McKenzie; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Anna M. Nixon, this city, and a brother, Milnor McKenzie, LaVale. Several nieces and nephews also survive. The body will remain at the Kight Funeral Home. A requiem mass will be celebrated Tuesday at 9 a.m. at St. Patrick's and interment will be in the parish cemetery. The Cumberland Times, February 24, 1957
Person ID |
I01020 |
McKenzie Genealogy |
Last Modified |
29 Oct 2021 |
Father |
John William McKenzie, b. 16 Mar 1839, Cumberland, Allegany County, Maryland d. 16 May 1902, Narrows Park, Allegany County, Maryland (Age 63 years) |
Relationship |
natural |
Mother |
Elizabeth Catherine Adkins, b. 4 Mar 1844, Virginia d. 3 Apr 1903, Cumberland, Allegany County, Maryland (Age 59 years) |
Relationship |
natural |
Marriage |
31 Dec 1863 |
Allegany County, Maryland |
Family ID |
F00330 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family 3 |
Cora Elizabeth Buzzard, b. 15 Oct 1880, Grant County, West Virginia d. 6 Nov 1964, Cumberland, Allegany County, Maryland (Age 84 years) |
Marriage |
23 Mar 1923 |
Cumberland, Allegany County, Maryland |
Children |
Family ID |
F00626 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
29 Oct 2021 |