William Knight


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  • Name William Knight 
    Gender Male 
    Death UNKNOWN 
    Person ID I00648  McKenzie Genealogy
    Last Modified 29 Oct 2021 

    Father Philip Knight   d. UNKNOWN 
    Relationship natural 
    Mother Elizabeth McKenzie,   b. UNKNOWN   d. UNKNOWN 
    Relationship natural 
    Family ID F00426  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Documents
    Equity Case 734 Allegany County, Maryland
    Equity Case 734 Allegany County, Maryland
    In 1848 a Complaint was filed in the Court of Equity of Allegany County, Equity Case 734, Maryland by the brothers and sisters of Moses McKenzie (d. 1838) (who died intestate in Wheeling, Virginia, now West Virginia), son of Moses McKenzie (b. 1760), requesting that a parcel of land (known as the “Western Road”) owned by Moses Jr. be equitably partitioned and the proceeds distributed amongst Moses’ brothers and sisters. This was the same parcel of land that was conveyed to Moses McKenzie (1760) by Daniel Shriver, Jr. on September 13, 1812 and otherwise referred to in that deed as the “Western Road” property. The case lists all of Moses’ (d. 1838) brothers and sisters (who were alive in 1848) and their spouses and siblings where applicable. The Equity Case file consists of twenty plus pages of material including interrogatories to then living people asking them about Moses McKenzie (b. 1760) and his children.

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