John McKenzie

Male 1786 - 1866  (79 years)

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  • Name John McKenzie 
    Birth 17 Oct 1786  Frederick County, Maryland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Death 19 Jun 1866  Ross County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • The following information is from Bobbie McKenzie, December, 2013:

      We all appreciate sharing information we find, but I am not the source of all the information posted on the website. There are several researchers on John’s line in Christian Co whose names I supplied to Mike McKenzie.

      1. There must be two Hares. Hare, Va. and Hare’s Valley. PA. It may have been so small it was never mapped.

      Elizabeth, dau of Daniel and Martha
      b. 6 May 1789( place is debatable, according to the memories of the contributors below.) Kentucky
      d. 12 April 1879 Ross Co Oh
      buried Plug Run

      The following list contains the names of early settlers in various localities in the county. The figures following the names respectively indicate the earliest year in which those persons are known to have resided in the county. Many of them may have settled still earlier. Dublin and Tell Townships: James COYLE, John APPLEBY, James NEELY, James MORTON, Samuel MORTON, and John STITT, 1778; Samuel FINLEY; George HUDSON, 1786. Cromwell Township: James, Gavin, George, Robert, and Thomas CLUGGAGE, 1766; Thomas CROMWELL, 1785. Shirley Township: James CARMICHAEL, 1762; James, Robert, and Patrick GALBRAITH, 1771; James FOLEY, 1772; Charles BOYLE, 1773; William MORRIS, Jacob HARE and Gideon MILLER, 1762. Brady Township: Peter VAN DEVANDER, 1775; David EATON, 1775; Joseph PRIDMORE, 1781; Caleb ARMITAGE. Henderson Township: John FEE, 1775; John DORLAND; Joseph NEARON, 1781; Daniel EVANS, 1778; Benjamin DRAKE, 1785. Huntingdon

      written by J Simpson AFRICA of Huntingdon, in Egle's 1876 "History of t
      Commonwealth of Pennsylvania"; a. portion of Bedford County was taken off to
      form ...

      Ohio Family Group Sheet for Jacob HARE Family

      Copyright. All rights reserved.

      Submitted by: Donna Barnes Clark
      Email address:

      Husband: Jacob HARE
      Birthdate: abt 1740
      Birthplace: Germany
      Death date: abt 1820
      Place of death: Ross County, Ohio

      Marriage date:
      Marriage place:

      Wife: Christine EPHAU
      Birthdate: abt 1746
      Birthplace: Germany
      Death date: abt 1823
      Place of death: Ross County, Ohio


      Child No. 1: Michael HARE
      Sex: M
      Birthdate: November 11, 1759
      Birthplace: Hares ValleY, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
      Death date: January 1837
      Place of death: Highland County, Ohio
      Marriage date: June 5, 1781
      Marriage place: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
      Spouse's name: Isabella ROE

      Child No. 2: Daniel HARE father of Elizabeth Hare McKenzie
      Sex: M
      Birthdate: March 5 1767
      Birthplace: Hares ValleY, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
      Death date: December 22, 1850
      Place of death: Bourneville, Ross County, Ohio
      Marriage date: abt 1788
      Marriage place: Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania
      Spouse's name: Martha ARMITAGE

      Child No. 3: Mary HARE
      Sex: F
      Birthdate: May 15, 1787
      Birthplace: Hares ValleY, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
      Death date: June 16, 1845
      Place of death: Ross County, Ohio
      Marriage date:
      Marriage place: Ross County, Ohio
      Spouse's name: Thomas EDMISTON

      Child No. 4: Jacob HARE`
      Sex: M
      Birthdate: August 21, 1768
      Birthplace: Hares ValleY, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
      Death date: April 8, 1862
      Place of death: Ross County, Ohio
      Marriage date: May 19, 1829
      Marriage place: Ross County, Ohio
      Spouse's name: Anne MELSON

      Child No. 5: Elizabeth HARE
      Birthdate: 1770
      Birthplace: Hares ValleY, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
      Death date: December 7, 1803
      Place of death: Twin Twp., Ross County, Ohio
      Marriage date: April 3, 1794
      Marriage place: Kentucky
      Spouse's name: Lewis IGOU

      Child No. 6: Philip HARE
      Sex: M
      Birthdate: abt 1774
      Birthplace: Hares ValleY, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
      Death date: February 1848
      Place of death: Hamilton County, Indiana
      Marriage date:
      Marriage place:
      Spouse's name: Mary HALL

      Notes for Jacob Hare:
      From page 48, HISTORY OF HUNTINGDON CO. PA,: Hare's real estate consist
      of four adjoining tracts of land, situated on the south side of the
      Juniata River, including the borough of Mapleton, and extending there
      from up the river and up Hare's Valley. These tracts, containing over
      400 acres, were confirmed to Frances Reed by patents issued June 1794.
      On page 44, 100 acres and 5 acres on the Juniata R. were identified as
      'The old Plowman Farm'.
      Chapter XXII HISTORY OF JUNIATA VALLEY: "In a small isolated valley,
      about a mile south of Jack’s Narrows, lived a notorious Tory named Jacob
      Where did Jacob HARE emigrate from? Page 371, HISTORY OF HUNTINGDON CO.
      PA.: This portion of Huntingdon County was settled almost wholly by
      immigrants from Maryland, who came over Indian trails amd brought their
      effects on theior backs.
      "During the latter part of the year 1799, Jacob HARE came from Virginia
      and settled in the northern part of Paint township, and he was one of t
      very earliest, if not actually the first settler north of Amsterdam. He
      was a man of great determination, almost amounting to obstinacy, and
      well-fitted to encounter the hardships of pioneer life.
      During the Revolution, he had been a strong Royalist, and bore the marks
      of his sentiments in his ears which zealous patriots of Virginia had
      cropped as a punishment for his determined Toryism. It is related of him
      that he hurrahed for King George on his death-bed many years after his
      removal to Ohio. He purchased the land of MASSIE, and settled about a
      mile and a half from Bethesda chapel. One day, while at work about his
      house, Mr. Hare heard a great commotion in a ravine nearby, and taking
      his gun and hunting knife, went to the spot where he found his dogs had
      attacked a large bear and brought him to bay. Fearing to shoot lest he
      injure the dogs, Mr. Hare attacked the bear with his knife. It reared
      on its hind legs and succeeded in a hold about his body, embracing h
      a manner more close than affectionate. While in this position, Mr. HARE
      plunged his knife into the body of his huge enemy time after time until
      its hold relaxed and it fell dead, leaving him none the worse except for
      a few scratches."
      The above account, particularly the statement "bore the marks of his
      sentiments in his ears which zealous patriots of Virginia had cropped as
      a punishment for his determined Toryism." fairly clearly confirms that
      this Jacob Hare and the one described on page 46 of the HISTORY OF
      HUNTINGDON COUNTY, PA. are one and the same. The only discrepancy is he
      statement "patriots of Virginia" since the HISTORY OF HUNTINGDON COUNTY
      describes that occurrence as happening in that local area.
      The following is copied from page 340 of HISTORY OF ROSS AND HIGHLAND
      COUNTIES, OHIO: "The early settlers had their times for enjoyment and
      jollity, among which were gatherings for log rollings, house raising,
      corn hucking, etc. At such times rhymes were made and sung, in which the
      names of most of the settlers were brought in something as follows:
      "I see a bear,
      Said Jacob HARE
      Shoot him down
      Said George BROWN
      He's very poor
      Said Ben McCLURE
      Poor as carrion
      Said Sam Irwin
      Throw it to the dogs
      Said Alex SCROGGS" etc.
      Laurence A. Weaver, Jr. is the complier.
      In the compiler's file 47, generation 6 will be found a photocopy of a
      very old hand-written document which appears to be in very bad conditio
      The hand-writing seems old-fashioned and belabored. There are apparently
      two documents photocopied on the same paper, so that wording below
      follows the positioning, misspelling etc. as closely as possible:
      "Jacob HARE was born about 1730 in Germany. Died about 1820 in Ross
      County O. and buried in Twin Township. This wife Christine Afau was born
      about 1734 in Germany. Lived in Huntington County, Pennsylvania on Hares
      Valley. Died in Ross County O. about 1823. Their children were Michel,
      Daniel, Jacob, Philip and Elizabeth HARE. Lewis Igo married Elizabeth
      HARE in Kentucky Apr 3d 1794.
      HISTORY OF JUNIATA VALLEY, Chapter XXII, pages 259
      go in to details of the exploits of Michael's father, Jacob HARE RIN183,
      no where in the passage is any mention of Michael's participation.
      However, the last paragraph of page 264 says in part: .....but, after
      peace was declared and the treaty between the United States and Great
      Britain ratified, HARE returned, and claimed the benefit of that part of
      the treaty which restored their possessions to all of his Majesty's
      subjects that had not taken up arms against the colonists. As there was
      no direct evidence that he had killed LOUDENS-LAGER, Congress was
      compelled to purchase back and restore his property to him."

      Compiler's comment: "If the above is correct it has a direct bearing on the Deed -
      Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book H-1, pages 158-159 - 6 March
      1801 - 'Deed - Jacob HARE & Daniel HARE By their atty Hezekiah RICKETTS
      to Joseph RICKETTS'. This Deed which gives the residence of both
      Jacob and Daniel as Adams County, North West Territory contradicts
      page 265 of the Juniata Valley history which states that Jacob return a
      lived the reminder of his life in Hare's Valley."
      Notes for Daniel Hare:
      AND SETTLEMENT OF ROSS COUNTY, OHIO - pages 56-57 - By Mrs.
      MCKENZIE-1091, mother-in-law of Mr. William Igo-156.
      "Her father, Daniel HARE-187, emigrated from Pennsylvania to Kentucky, -----SO SHE MAY HAVE BEEN BORN IN KTY??
      and from there to Ohio, in 1796. Her husband's grandfather was a drum-
      major in the Revolutionary War, and served seven years. Her husband, Mr.
      MCKENZIE, was in the war of 1812, as the captain of a company for some
      time, when the companies were consolidated, which relieved him. died
      aged about eighty years. He was for many years a leader in the M.E.
      Church. Mrs. MCKENZIE says her father came to Ohio without bringing his
      family, for the purpose of hunting and laying up a supply of meat for t
      next summer. He first chopped down a large tree, and cut it off some
      twelve or fifteen feet long; this her split in two and dug them out in
      the shape of troughs; the one half he filled with buffalo, bear, deer,
      and wild turkey, and salted them down; then placing the troughs togethe
      one on top of the other, he covered it with a lot of brush so as to
      deceive the Indians, telling them that when he came out in the spring,
      and the brush had become dry, he intended to burn that log up. In the
      spring when Mr. HARE and his family arrived, they found their meat all
      right. At one time Mr. HARE went to watch a deer lick, and after fixing
      up a blind and being seated sometime, he heard something approaching him
      through the brush in his rear, and upon turning around, near him, was a
      large panther crouching, and in the act of springing upon him; he fired
      his rifle at the panther, when it made one terrible cream and took off
      through the thick woods one way and Mr. HARE the other, fully satisfied
      to leave for the present.
      Mrs. MCKENZIE is now aged about seventy-nine years; she and her mother
      were the first two white women who settled on Paint creek. Her playmates
      were the young squaws, and she says 'many a romp I had with them, and as
      fearless of danger as though they had been white children 'When we first
      settled on Paint creek, father had to go to Limestone for our meal and
      salt; some times we would use the hominy block in lieu of going to the
      mill for meal.' At one time when her father was away from home, some
      Indians came to their cabin and asked her mother for salt, they being
      very fond of that article. The old lady refused to give them any. One
      Indian became enraged, and said: 'My gun shoot by and But the old lady
      did not give them salt, and they left seemingly much enraged. She, after
      they left, feared they would return before her husband and do some
      mischief. But they did not; and when he returned, she told him how the
      Indians had treated her in his absence, whereupon he went to the Indian
      camp and informed their chief that one of his men had been at his cabin
      and insulted his wife. The chief called up the guilty Indian, and
      snatching the hatchet from Mr. MCKENZIE'S belt, he beat the Indian over
      the head with it at a terrible rate. The Indian cried piteously during
      the castigation, and when the chief returned Mr. MCKENZIE'S hatchet, he
      told him that that Indian would not trouble his family any more, and he
      did not. Mrs. MCKENZIE says her father was a great hunter in his time
      and killed many bears, turkeys, panthers, buffalo, etc. The buffalo used
      to mix with their farm cattle and were quite tame. Her father first
      settled near the big falls of Paint creek, on MASSIE'S land, and while
      living there she has heard the screams of the panther and wolf in the
      night quite near their cabin. The first school teacher was David REED;
      the first preachers were William and Edward CARNES; the first
      schoolhouse was built on lands now owned by Howard NEWMAN."
      More About Jacob Hare:
      Age at time of death: 92Y 7M 18das8
      Burial: South Salem Cemetery, Ross County, Ohio9
      More About Anne Melson:
      Age at time of death: Abt. July 20, 1803, 57Y 2M 21das
      Burial: South Salem Cemetery, Ross County, Ohio10
      More About Elizabeth Hare:
      Burial: Hare Cemetery, Metcalfe Farm, Ross County, Ohio
      Notes for Lewis Igou:
      "One of the first settlers was Lewis IGO. He was a native of Maryland,
      born near Baltimore in the year 1767. In the fall of 1797 he came from
      Kentucky to the Scioto valley, purchased a tract of land of General
      MCARTHUR, on Lower Twin, and built a cabin on the farm now owned by his
      son William. The following spring he brought out his family and was
      accompanied by his brother-in-law, Philip HARE."
      Complier Laurence A. Weaver, Jr.
      In the compiler's file 47, generation 6 will be found the original
      letter dated November 5, 1982 from Miss Josephine METCALFE:
      "Dear Mr. WEAVER
      We are enclosing some Xeroxed copies of the IGOU and HARE lines that
      might help you. They were researched by a cousin in Las Vegas who hand-
      carried them to the Mormon Genealogical Library in Salt Lake City and
      saw them put on microfilm and then into the Granite Mountain Vault.
      Elizabeth HARE was the first wife of Lewis IGOU. She is buried on one of
      the knolls on the back of our farm. There are 3 or four other stones
      with no readable markings. They had 5 children. Nancy MARSH was the
      second wife - 3 children.
      I am the sixth generation on the farm and the old log cabin, second
      built in Twin Township 1800-1801 is still standing. Please feel free to
      ask any questions. I might know the answers.
      Josephine METCALFE"
      In the letter was a rough sketch of the tombstone:
      DEC 7
      80 - 1803.
      More About Lewis Igou and Elizabeth Hare:
      Marriage: April 03, 1794, Kentucky
      Information provided by Laurence A. Weaver, Jr.
      Noblesville, Hamilton Co. IN.
      In 1829, the family moved to Hamilton County, Indiana, where Philip
      bought land on Stony Creek, a little southeast of Noblesville, on which
      was a grist mill formerly owned by Albert G. BETTS. The mill was
      operated by the HARE family and the land around it was farmed by them.
      The mill was sold in 1840 to William STOOPS. Various transfers of land
      and lots in Noblesville are on record at the County Court House.
      Several members of the HARE family migrated to Iowa -- Daniel and wife,
      Eleanor with daughter, Sarah, to Cedar County in 1837. Daniel died there
      in 1852. A daughter, Elizabeth and husband, Jacob MAHIN (MAHAN) and
      daughter. Amanda, went to Muscatine County. Another daughter, Mahala
      and husband, John RIDGEWAY went to Cedar County in 1839 or 1840. John
      McKenzie (HARE?) and wife, Margaret, went to Cedar County also in 1846.
      He died there in 1854. Margaret and her family returned to Noblesville.
      There are no known records of the birth of the 12 children. The source
      of this information was collected through public records - - census
      reports, various Ohio and Indiana history accounts of early settlers,
      final distribution and settlement of Philip HARE's estate."
      E-Mail, "Electronic," Laurence A. Weaver, Jr., at
      Complied by Ross County Genealogical Society, Tombstone Inscriptions Tw
      Township, Ross County Ohio.
      Family Search, GD6L-OD.
      1840 United States Census Paint Twp., Ross co., Ohio, pg 357C.
      Faye Christmas Tucker, Doddridge and Teter Some Ancestors and
      Descendants, (1986, Dallas, Texas - Copy of book is in possession of
      Donna Barnes Clark), pg 34.
      Ross County Marriages 1798-1849.
      South Salem Cemetery, pg. 18.
      South Salem Cemetery Buckskin Twp., Ross County, Ohio, "Electronic

      2. I never thought Grove City was in Jasper Co. Must be from some other researcher.
      3) John
      b. 1815
      p.b. Bourneville, Ross Co OH
      m. Leah Guilford b. 1818 Hillsboro, Highland Co., OH
      d. 29 Dec. 1891
      buried Grove City ILL
      Lived Christian Co Ill 1850 census, p 158
      1. John A. b. 1840 lived Atlanta and McLean Co,IL
      2. Mariah b. 1847 OH
      3. Zachariah Wharton
      b. 3 March 1849 log cabin, Mt Auburn Twp Christian Co ILL
      m. Alice L. Shore 20 June 1876 Christian Co Ill
      4. James m. Louisa Ewing
      dau Leah m. M. L. Williams, dau Marion Alice

      3. info on son James is from the DAR application of Marion Alice Williams, James’ granddaughter

      From: Dick MacKenzie
      Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2013 8:48 AM
      To: Bobbie mckenzie ; Don Kagle ; Michael McKenzie
      Subject: John McKenzie of Joshua line from Ross Co.

      All: While I was fooling around with Christian Co., IL, thought I’d try to work up a bit more extensively the 3 sons of John McKenzie (1786-1866) who transplanted from Ross Co., OH to Christian Co., IL during the 1840’s to 1850’s, since both the web site and Don’s tree don’t have tons of info on descendants.

      Here’s what I discovered, in the attachment included. Interestingly, it appears John came to Christian Co. first, in the mid 1840’s, Eli came next in mid-1850, and William came last in the mid-1850’s. I base these dates on the places of birth of the children in the cases of John and William, and, in Eli’s case, the fact that he appears twice in the 1850 Census, in Ross Co., OH with brother William and his first wife as a 21 year old, and also in Christian Co., IL with brother John and his first wife and family as a 22 year old. I suspect he relocated after his September birthday, and the IL Census was after that.

      I also became curious about the place of birth of their mother, since all the trees (including ours) shows Elizabeth Hare being born in Hares Valley, Huntingdon Co., PA, yet none of the sons show that, John shows KY, William OH and Eli VA. So, I went looking for Hares Valley, and it’s actually Hare Valley, and it’s in Northampton Co., VA, not anywhere in PA, so Eli was the only one correct (unless there were multiple wives and the sons had different mothers.) In any event, we need to correct our trees. Two other things I noticed in our existing information that don’t jibe with my findings: John 1815 and Leah Guilford have a son James shown in the web site. I did not find such a person. Also John’s place of death is shown as Grove City, Jasper Co., IL. Not sure where that came from, as Grove City is in Christian Co., so that needs correcting.

      I didn’t think Bobbie would mind if I played around a bit with Joshua’s line, and I know Mike and Don are looking for more stuff to add to their respective works.

      Waiting for (more) snow – winter ought to really be interesting at this rate.

    Person ID I00114  McKenzie Genealogy
    Last Modified 29 Oct 2021 

    Father Joshua McKenzie,   b. 20 Mar 1764, Baltimore County, Maryland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1835, Ross County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 70 years) 
    Relationship natural 
    Mother Mary Jones,   b. 20 Aug 1768, Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1835, Ross County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 66 years) 
    Relationship natural 
    Marriage 22 Jan 1784  Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F00136  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Elizabeth Hare,   b. 6 May 1789, Hares Valley, Huntingdon County, Pennslyvania Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 12 Apr 1879, Ross County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 89 years) 
    Marriage 19 Oct 1809  Ross County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location 
     1. Joshua McKenzie,   b. Between 1800 and 1810, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this locationd. UNKNOWN  [Father: natural]  [Mother: natural]
     2. Daniel McKenzie,   b. Between 1810 and 1816   d. UNKNOWN  [Father: natural]  [Mother: natural]
     3. Mary McKenzie,   b. Mar 1813, Twin Township, Ross County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 24 Feb 1907, Twin Township, Ross County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 93 years)  [Father: natural]  [Mother: natural]
     4. John McKenzie,   b. Abt 1815, Twin Township, Ross County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 29 Dec 1891, Grove City, Christian County, Illinois Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 76 years)  [Father: natural]  [Mother: natural]
     5. Julia Ann McKenzie,   b. 18 Jun 1816, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 3 May 1898, Ross County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 81 years)  [Father: natural]  [Mother: natural]
     6. Mariah McKenzie,   b. Abt 1817   d. UNKNOWN  [Father: natural]  [Mother: natural]
     7. Susan McKenzie,   b. 1820, Ross County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this locationd. UNKNOWN  [Father: natural]  [Mother: natural]
     8. William McKenzie,   b. Jul 1826, Ross County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1909, Christian County, Illinois Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 82 years)  [Father: natural]  [Mother: natural]
     9. Eli McKenzie,   b. 18 Sep 1828, Ross County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 4 Jan 1909, Macon County, Illinois Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 80 years)  [Father: natural]  [Mother: natural]
    Family ID F00138  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 29 Oct 2021 

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