451 |
 | Photo of Parker Smith Grinstead Children Circa 1941 Top Row: Byron, Charley, Elmer, King and Billy; Bottom Row: Lena, Verlie and Maggie
Owner of original: Harold Grinstead
452 |
 | Photo of Patrick D. McKenzie
Owner of original: Courtesy of Brian Lease Pennock
453 |
 | Photo of Rachel Bingham Grinstead (b. 1909)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Virginia Lea Grinstead
454 |
 | Photo of Rachel Bingham Grinstead (b. 1909) (circa 1926)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Virginia Lea Grinstead
455 |
 | Photo of Rachel Ellen (Nellie) Hoy (b. 1885)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
456 |
 | Photo of Rachel Serasky Frank (b. 1871)
Owner of original: Michael McKenzie
457 |
 | Photo of Raymond Francis and Lula Robeson McKenzie
Owner of original: Courtesy of Maria Myers
458 |
 | Photo of Raymond Francis McKenzie
Owner of original: Courtesy of Maria Myers
459 |
 | Photo of Raymond G. McKenzie (b. 1910) College Graduation
Owner of original: Courtesy of Mary Kitzerow
460 |
 | Photo of Raymond Gerald McKenzie (b. 1910)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Mary Kitzerow
461 |
 | Photo of Raymond Gerald McKenzie (b. 1910) and Florence Amelia Dove
Owner of original: Courtesy of Mary Kitzerow
462 |
 | Photo of Raymond Gerald McKenzie (b. 1910), circa 1918-1920
Owner of original: Courtesy of Mary Kitzerow
463 |
 | Photo of Raymond Gerald McKenzie College Album and Fraternity Ribbons
Owner of original: Courtesy of Mary Kitzerow
464 |
 | Photo of Raymond L. Burrier (older) (b. 1907)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don MacKenzie
465 |
 | Photo of Raymond L. Burrier (young) (b. 1907)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don MacKenzie
466 |
 | Photo of Raymond Leslie (Dee) Robertson (b. 1919) Frostburg Memorial Park
Owner of original: Courtesy of Find-a-Grave and Sharon Robertson
467 |
 | Photo of Rebecca (Beckie) Frank (1897-1988)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Ancestry.com
468 |
 | Photo of Rebecca Louise Biddle (b. 1896)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
469 |
 | Photo of Rev. Samuel John Porter (b. 1822)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
470 |
 | Photo of Riley Hames
Owner of original: Courtesy of Renee Garmon McKenzie
471 |
 | Photo of Robert Milnor (Bob) McKenzie (b. 1922) and Lucille McKenzie (b. 1921) Circa 1983
Owner of original: Courtesy of Shirley Miller McKenzie
472 |
 | Photo of Romieo (Romie) Denver McKenzie (b. 1923)
473 |
 | Photo of Roy Raymond McKenzie (b. 1922) and Harold James McKenzie (b. 1920) Circa 1942 - Sons of Clarence Anthony McKenzie and Grace May Graham
Owner of original: Doris Nadon
474 |
 | Photo of Rudy Judy Circa (b. 1901) Circa 1975-1976
475 |
 | Photo of Sadres Simon McKenzie
Owner of original: Courtesy of Julie Bittinger
476 |
 | Photo of Samson G. McKenzie and Barbara C. Ebaugh
Owner of original: Owner: J. Shaffer. Sent to website courtesy of Brian Lease Pennock
477 |
 | Photo of Samuel Albert McKenzie (b. 1909)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Brian Lease Pennock
478 |
 | Photo of Samuel Bernard McKenzie (b. 1884) and first wife, Mamie Alverda Ravenscroft
Owner of original: Courtesy of John Delaney
479 |
 | Photo of Samuel Clement and Katie McKenzie
Owner of original: Courtesy of Brian Lease Pennock
480 |
 | Photo of Samuel K. Weimer (b. 1824) and Drucilla Anne McKenzie (b. 1825)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
481 |
 | Photo of Samuel Louis Lease (b. 1905) and Anna Eliza McKenzie (b. 1906) Wedding
Owner of original: Courtesy of Timothy J. Lease
482 |
 | Photo of Samuel MacKenzie (b. 1844)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
483 |
 | Photo of Sarah Ellen MacKenzie (b. 1842) Also pictured is her husband, Stephen Jones Hillsinger (1841-1922)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
484 |
 | Photo of Sarah Ellen McKenzie (b. 1911) (front)
Owner of original: Courtesy of J. Whisner
485 |
 | Photo of Sarah Ellen McKenzie (b. 1911) (rear)
Owner of original: Courtesy of J. Whisner
486 |
 | Photo of Sarah Maggie Llewellyn (b. 1879)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
487 |
 | Photo of Simon, Loretta and Mary McKenzie
Owner of original: Courtesy of Brian Lease Pennock
488 |
 | Photo of Sister Regina Clare Breig (b. 1899)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
489 |
 | Photo of sisters Beda Regina & Edna McKenzie
Owner of original: Courtesy of William C. Batton and Don Kagle
490 |
 | Photo of Smith Siblings Rear (L-R): James Albert, Lillian Marie, Fanny Vida, Clara Dale, Arthur Francis, Front Row: John Paul, Bernard Boyd and Roy Leonard
Owner of original: Courtesy of Kelley Chandler
491 |
 | Photo of Smokehouse Located on "Hannon" Property This building is located on a tract of land originally patented to John MacKinzie (b. 1687). The property was sub-divided and a portion of it eventually was acquired by the Hannon Family in 1955. It is located on McKenzie Road in Howard County, Maryland.
Owner of original: Donald Roy Kagle, Jr.
492 |
 | Photo of Sons of Aaron William McKenzie L to R: George, Harry, Taylor, Walter and John. Taken at McKenzie Re-union, Mayfair Tavern, Winchester Road, Before WW II
Owner of original: Courtesy of Ray Leidinger
493 |
 | Photo of Sons of James Monroe McKenzie (b. 1818) Photographed from McKenzie Family Bible by Garland Davis and forwarded to the author in February, 2021
Owner of original: Courtesy of Garland Davis -descendant
494 |
 | Photo of Susanna Catherine McKenzie (b. 1873)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
495 |
 | Photo of Sybil Audrey Baldwin (b. 1902)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Liz Dupraz
496 |
 | Photo of Taylor Johnson Family
Owner of original: Courtesy of Brian Lease Pennock
497 |
 | Photo of Teresa Elsba Firestone
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don MacKenzie
498 |
 | Photo of Texas Grinsteads Circa 1930 Including children of Parker Smith Grinstead: Byron, Billy, Elmer, Maggie, King, Lena, Verlie and Charley
Owner of original: Harold Grinstead
499 |
 | Photo of Texas Grinsteads Circa 1930 Naming Chart
Owner of original: Harold Grinstead
500 |
 | Photo of Thelma Elizabeth McKenzie
Owner of original: Courtesy of Brian Lease Pennock