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251 |
 | Photo of Howard Carlyle MacKenzie (b. 1894)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
252 |
 | Photo of Howard Walter (Foxie) Lease (b. 1936)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Brian Pennock
253 |
 | Photo of Hubert Bernard McKenzie
Owner of original: Courtesy of Brian Lease Pennock
254 |
 | Photo of Hugh and Emma Mckenzie
Owner of original: Courtesy of Brian Lease Pennock
255 |
 | Photo of Hyman Bovitch and Anna Goldstein Circa Nov. 1943
Owner of original: Isadore Bovitch
256 |
 | Photo of Ira Edward McKinzie (b. 1862) and Viola (Sargent) McKinzie and their Children The Porters of Colonial Maryland 1778-1996, their Descendants and some of their Related Families By Edward T. Porter
Owner of original: Courtesy of Ray Leidinger, Jr.
257 |
 | Photo of Isadore Garlitz (b. 1847) and Matilda Elizabeth McKenzie (b. 1853) Matilda Elizabeth was the daughter of Jeremiah McKenzie (b. 1810), who was the son of Samuel F. (b. 1790), son of Sanuel (b. abt. 1751), son of Gabriel (b. abt. 1715), son of John (b. abt. 1687)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
258 |
 | Photo of Ithamer Joshua Yerkes
Owner of original: Courtesy of Kristin Gauthier
259 |
 | Photo of Ithamer Joshua Yerkes and Emma Dean
Owner of original: Courtesy of Kristin Gauthier
260 |
 | Photo of Izetta B. Frazee and Leonard A. McKenzie (b. 1915)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
261 |
 | Photo of Jacob Mckenzie (b. 1888)
Owner of original: Courtesy of James Whisner
262 |
 | Photo of James A. McKenzie and Esther Breig
Owner of original: Courtesy of Brian Lease Pennock
263 |
 | Photo of James Aaron McKinzie (b. 1880) Family Key: #1 Unknown, #2 Aunt Jennie Thomas, #3 Daddy - James Aaron McKinzie, #4 Mr. Flynn, #5 Uncle Steve Thomas, #6 Ruby Thomas, #& Mother - Laura Viola Mann, #8 Lorene McKinzie, James Aaron's daughter, #9 Unknown, #10 Vernon Jessup, #11 Grandma - Lena Jessup, #12 Wayne Thomas, #13 Coryl McKinzie, James Aaron's daughter, #14 Unknown, #15 Edna McKinzie - James Aaron's daughter, #16 Grandpa - Ellis Jessup
Owner of original: Courtesy of Priscilla Delventhal
264 |
 | Photo of James and Elva Frankhouser
Owner of original: Courtesy of James Whisner
265 |
 | Photo of James Augustus McKenzie (b. 1919)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Find-A-Grave
266 |
 | Photo of James Baker (b. 1885) as a young man with mother and older brother and his family circa 1900 James Baker is in the middle. Eliza McKenzie Baker, his mother is in the back row. John McKenzie, son of William Enoch McKenzie (b. 1842) and his wife, Mandy (Amanda Clark), and their three small children also are pictured.
Owner of original: Rob Wolford
267 |
 | Photo of James Claude McKenzie (b. 1887)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
268 |
 | Photo of James Edward (Ned) McKenzie
Owner of original: Courtesy of Brian Lease Pennock
269 |
 | Photo of James Edward McKenzie (b. 1884)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Brian Lease Pennock
270 |
 | Photo of James Frankhouser and his dog
Owner of original: Courtesy of James Whisner
271 |
 | Photo of James Frankhouser and Mary Ann Frankhouser
Owner of original: Courtesy of James Whisner
272 |
 | Photo of James Harris McKenzie (b. 1873) Son of John L. McKenzie (b. 1839) and Sarah Ellen Christner (b. 1845)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
273 |
 | Photo of James Harris McKenzie (b. 1873) and Jeanetta Painter ( b. abt. 1889) Son of John L. McKenzie (b. 1839) and Sarah Ellen Christner (b. 1845)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
274 |
 | Photo of James Harrison Frankhouser military
Owner of original: Courtesy of James Whisner
275 |
 | Photo of James Judy (b. 1922)
276 |
 | Photo of James Madison Porter (b. 1817)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Alan Williams
277 |
 | Photo of James McClellan McKenzie and Other Family members.jpg Standing-James McClellen McKenzie,Rebecca Bolden McKenzie,Oscar & Molly Long,Samson & Barbara McKenzie Seated-Oprha Long Bair,Peter Long,Wanda Bair,Nan Long,Harrison Long,Susan McKenzie Lancaster,Margaret Lancaster
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
278 |
 | Photo of James McClellan McKenzie Farm A 1939 aerial view that shows James McClellen's farm. It is located along Big Savage mountain. The Mason-Dixon line is just below it running east to west. The old Western Maryland Railway is to the right of it. Mckenzie Hollow road can be seen in the upper left hand corner. It has long since grown over. The barn, house foundation and spring remain. Google Earth coordinates are: 39.734716,-78.906984.
Owner of original: Michael McKenzie Mt. Savage, Maryland
279 |
 | Photo of James McClellen McKenzie (b. 1865) and Samson Gregory McKenzie (b. 1857) Half brothers and sons of Ambrose McKenzie (b. 1829). Photo taken on James' farm on the west side of Big Savage Mountain along Laurel Run not far from McKenzie Hollow Road, Greenville Township, Somerset County, Pennsylvania
Owner of original: Tom Lancaster
280 |
 | Photo of James McClellen McKenzie and Family Standing L to R: James McClellen McKenzie, Rebecca Bolden McKenzie, Oscar ande Molly Long, Samson and Barbara McKenzie; Seated: Orpha Long Bair, Peter Lomg, Wanda Bair, Nan Long, Harrison Long, Susan McKenzie Lancaster, Margaret Lancaster
Owner of original: Tom Lancaster
281 |
 | Photo of James McClellen McKenzie Family
Owner of original: Tom Lancaster
282 |
 | Photo of James Monroe McKenzie (b. 1818) Photographed from McKenzie Family Bible by Garland Davis and forwarded to the author in February, 2021
Owner of original: Courtesy of Garland Davis
283 |
 | Photo of James Monroe McKenzie Marker McKenzie, Tennessee
284 |
 | Photo of James Moses McKenzie (b. abt. 1796)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Scott Carter Williams and Col. Gabriel T. MacKenzie
285 |
 | Photo of James Moses McKenzie (b. abt. 1796) Rear
Owner of original: Courtesy of Scott Carter Williams and Col. Gabriel T. MacKenzie
286 |
 | Photo of James Moses McKenzie Cemetery, Grave of Gabriel Thornton McKenzie South of Cresaptown,Allegany County, Maryland, .8 mile from intersection of Winchester Road Extension on the right hand side
Owner of original: Michael A. McKenzie
287 |
 | Photo of Jasper Newton Grinstead and Charles Meek Grinstead and Family Circa 1910 See accompanying letter from John David Grinstead w/r/t the people shown in the photo.
288 |
 | Photo of Jasper Newton Grinstead and Family.jpg Oldest Person: Jasper Newton Grinstead; Younger Couple: Charles Meek Grinstead and Minnie Tarter Williams; Children: L to R: Alice May, Mary Ann, Pauline Beattie, William Newton, Charmie Lee, Ellis Baker (John) and Arthur McDonald
Owner of original: Michael A. McKenzie
289 |
 | Photo of Jeffersonia Hawkins Jones Davis and Edmond Davis
Owner of original: Courtesy of Karen Aizenshtat
290 |
 | Photo of Jesse Jean Mackenzie (b. 1883)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
291 |
 | Photo of Jesse Jean MacKenzie (b. 1883) and John William Schlegel (b. 1877) Daughter of Loshua Marcellus McKenzie (b. 1848)
292 |
 | Photo of Jesse Lee Lease (b. 1903)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Brian Pennock
293 |
 | Photo of Jessie Sewell Hawthorne (b. 1902)
294 |
 | Photo of John Albert Smith (1) (b. 1851)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Brian Lease Pennock
295 |
 | Photo of John Albert Smith (b. 1851)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Brian Lease Pennock
296 |
 | Photo of John Baptist McKenzie (b. 1836)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Liz Dupraz
297 |
 | Photo of John Blake (1843- 1922). Husband of Harriett McKenzie (b. 1840), daughter of Joseph McKenzie (b. 1816) and Margaret Ann Klingaman (b. 1823)
Owner of original: Betty Breig Smith
298 |
 | Photo of John Coover (b. 1804)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
299 |
 | Photo of John Franklin McKenzie (b. 1852) House McMullen Highway Pinto Maryland Google Maps View
Owner of original: Google Maps
300 |
 | Photo of John Gilmore MacKenzie (b. 1883) Circa 1895 School Photo
Owner of original: Courtesy of Donald MacKenzie