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 | Photo of Charles Lemuel McKenzie (b. 1849), Samuel Bernard McKenzie (b. 1884), and Margaret McKenzie Wilhelm (b. 1886) Bottom row (L to R): Samuel Bernard McKenzie (1884-1939) (my maternal grandfather); Unknown; Charles Lemuel McKenzie (1849-1932) (my great-grandfather); Edward Wiland ( 1868-1938). Top row (L to R): Unknown; Unknown; Lloyd Miller; Unknown; Margaret McKenzie Wilhelm (1886-1930) (d/o Charles Lemuel McKenzie)
Owner of original: Courtesy of John Delaney
102 |
 | Photo of Charles McGlaughlin Green (b. 1891)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
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 | Photo of Charles Oscar McKenzie (b. 1883)
Owner of original: Courtesy of William C. Batton and Don Kagle
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 | Photo of Chester Robert Kenner
Owner of original: Courtesy of Find-a-Grave
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 | Photo of Chester S. McKenzie (b. 1911)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Find-A-Grave
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 | Photo of Chester Striplin, Sybil Striplin and Matilda McKenzie Baldwin
Owner of original: Courtesy of Liz Dupraz
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 | Photo of Clara Emma McKenzie Breig (b. 1866)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Betty Breig Smith
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 | Photo of Clara Emma McKenzie Breig wedding
Owner of original: Courtesy of Betty Breig Smith
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 | Photo of Clarence Anthony McKenzie
Owner of original: Courtesy of Brian Lease Pennock
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 | Photo of Clarence Anthony McKenzie (b. 1878) and Children.jpg Circa 1923
Owner of original: Doris Nadon
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 | Photo of Clarence Michael McKenzie and Anna Mary McKenzie Lease
Owner of original: Courtesy of Brian Lease Pennock
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 | Photo of Clarissa Agnes Stoner (b. 1850)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
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 | Photo of Clayborn Lamar Gatewood (b. 1868) Circa Aug 1942
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
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 | Photo of Clement Joseph McKenzie (b. 1908)
Owner of original: Courtesy of William C. Batton and Don Kagle
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 | Photo of Clyde Lavell Varnell Sr. and Mabel Marguerite Yerkes
Owner of original: Courtesy of Kristin Gauthier
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 | Photo of Clyde Lavell Varnell, Sr., Mabel Marguerite Yerkes, William (Bill) Oliver Varnell Naomi Darden and kids
Owner of original: Courtesy of Kristin Gauthier
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 | Photo of Col. Gabriel Thornton MacKenzie (b. 1892)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
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 | Photo of Cordelia Hutzel (b. 1863)
Owner of original: Courtesy of William C. Batton and Don Kagle
119 |
 | Photo of Cyrus C. McKenzie (b. 23 Nov 1841), s/o Joseph McKenzie (b. 1816)
Owner of original: Betty Breig Smith
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 | Photo of Cyrus C. McKenzie (b. 23 Nov 1841), s/o Joseph McKenzie (b. 1816)
Owner of original: Betty Breig Smith
121 |
 | Photo of Cyrus J. McKenzie (b. 1 Apr 1869), s/o Cyrus C. McKenzie (b. 1841)
Owner of original: Betty Breig Smith
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 | Photo of Cyrus J. McKenzie (b. 1869)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
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 | Photo of Daniel Freeman McKenzie (b. 1913) and Arlene McAvoy.jpg
Owner of original: Courtesy of Beverly Maul
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 | Photo of Daniel Richard McKenzie (b. 1849)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
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 | Photo of David C. Llewellyn and wife, Bertha
Owner of original: Courtesy of Ray Leidinger
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 | Photo of David C. Llewellyn, wife Bertha and Children
Owner of original: Courtesy of Ray Leidinger
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 | Photo of Delbert Edison McKenzie
Owner of original: Courtesy of Brian Lease Pennock
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 | Photo of Don Alan McWethy (b. 1926)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Myra Williams McWethy
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 | Photo of Donald Edward McKenzie (b. 1933)
Owner of original: Compliments of Dennis McKenzie
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 | Photo of Donald Jerome McKenzie (b. 1926)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Joseph Edward McKenzie
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 | Photo of Donald R. McKenzie, Sr, "Paw" Paul Robison, Leo McKenzie and Lester Franklin McKenzie
Various Photos
Owner of original: Michael A. McKenzie
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 | Photo of Donald R. McKenzie, Sr. (b. 1927) Circa Korea 1946 (post-WW II war occupation)
Owner of original: Michael A. McKenzie
133 |
 | Photo of Donald R. McKenzie, Sr. (b. 1927) As a Young Man
Owner of original: Michael A. McKenzie
134 |
 | Photo of Donald R. McKenzie, Sr. Korea and Various Uncles Circa 1963, L to R: Fred Ryan, Don McKenzie, Rudy Judy and Frank Galbraith
Owner of original: Michael A. McKenzie
135 |
 | Photo of Donna Jean McKenzie (b. 1942) Frostburg Memorial Park
Owner of original: Courtesy of Find-a-Grave and Joseph Edward McKenzie
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 | Photo of Dorothy Agnes McKenzie Blocher (b. 1882).jpg
Owner of original: Courtesy of Joy Rowe (now deceased)
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 | Photo of Dorothy Edenhart Galbraith (b. 1907) Circa unknown
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 | Photo of Dorothy Edenhart, Carmy (Rudy) Judy, Jim Judy, Charles (Bud) Edenhart, Mary Edenhart and William Boyd Edenhart Circa 1922 Dorothy Edenhart (b. 1907) holding baby, James E. Judy (b. 1922), Carmy Rudy Judy (adult) standing next to Dorothy, children (L-R) are Mary Edenhart (b. 1916), William Boyd Edenhart (b. 1912) and Charles (Bud) Edenhart (b. 1909)
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 | Photo of Durbin-Logsdon Cabin The Durban, Logsdon and McKenzie families were well-acquainted in the 1700 and 18800's and intermarried quite frequently. This is a photo of the family homestead located in Carroll County, Maryland 1/2 mile off Rt. 31 on Tahoma Farm Road. Samuel Durbin (1698-1752) married Ann Logsdon (1703-1770), whose daughter Sarah Durbin 1724-1795 married Gabriel McKenzie (1715-1793).
140 |
 | Photo of Earl J. McKenzie (b. 1922)
Owner of original: Dale McKinzie
141 |
 | Photo of Edenhart Firehouse Saloon, Ridgely, West Virginia Circa Unknown and Circa 1998
Owner of original: Michael A. McKenzie
142 |
 | Photo of Edenhart Residence, Blocker Street, Ridgely, West Virginia Circa 1900 and Circa 1998
Owner of original: Michael A. McKenzie
143 |
 | Photo of Edenhart Siblings (brothers and sisters of Clara Belle Edenhart McKenzie b. 1904) Gertude, Dorothy, Clara Belle, Ann, Charles "Bud", Mary and Boyd
Owner of original: Michael A. McKenzie
144 |
 | Photo of Edith June McKenzie (b. 1924) and Charles W. Taylor (b. 1923)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Find-a-Grave and Joseph Edward McKenzie
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 | Photo of Edna Annan McKenzie (b. 1887)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
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 | Photo of Edna Marie McKenzie (b. 1923)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Chrissy Greene
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 | Photo of Edna Ulmer, Louise Ulmer Braun, Mary Ulmer and Oscar Ulmer Circa 1923
Owner of original: Michael A. McKenzie
148 |
 | Photo of Edward Francis and Amelia McKenzie Camp Hartley, Bedford 1938 Here is a photo of my grandfather (Edward Francis McKenzie) and my grandmother (Amelia Bishof or Bishop) taken in 1938 at Camp Hartley in Bedford PA along the Raystown Branch of the Juniata River. Interestingly enough, my father, Edward Samuel (Robert) McKenzie bought a cottage, just down the road from where this photo, taken in 1947. The structure that is seen in the far right side of the photo on the other side of the river, is still in existence today and was key in identifying the exact spot this photo was taken
Owner of original: Courtesy of Tim McKenzie
149 |
 | Photo of Edward Logue (b. 1829)
Owner of original: Courtesy of Don Kagle
150 |
 | Photo of Edward S. (b. 1826) and Aaron McKinzie (b. 1835) The Porters of Colonial Maryland 1778-1996, their Descendants and some of their Related Families By Edward T. Porter
Owner of original: Courtesy of Ray Leidinger, Jr.